Monday, February 28, 2011

90% of all species....

died out at the end of the Permian Period. According to my professor this is because they didn't read the material before taking the quiz and just looked up the answers as they went. I am in big trouble....

On other matters, Anthony and I took time last night to make lists of all of the crazy and amazing things that we want to do in our lives. They are pretty long lists and in some instances expensive, but I would say everyone should have such a list. What do you REALLY want? Perhaps an electric piano of epic ability? a chance to study volcanoes in Hawaii? a masters degree in a field you might never actually work in? The possibilities are endless!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, who knew that listening to a book would be as all absorbing as reading one. Not me! I am listening to Dracula and I am in the last chapter and I don't think that I will have the time to finish it before I go to the class party tonight. I forgot about that until recently and know I want to finish rather than go. Oh well. You know you are a nerd when you would rather finish a book than go to a party.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So, my head hurts, I have to take a test tonight that I haven't studied for yet and I am hot and tired. I hope I am not getting legit sick. I am really doing pretty well as far as not freaking out about the test so that is good. Also, I am really looking forward to sleep. Super boring but I am trying to get in the habit of blogging. ;) Maybe someday I will be as cool as my little sister.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Two days in a row

Anthony is making eggs benedict, (I know it is late but that is how we roll), and I am wondering why they are called that. Maybe the eggs are traitors for being poached instead of scrabbled? Well, anyway, Anthony doesn't do things half way; homemade english muffins, hollandaise, and (of course) eggs. I love my husband!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I should be doing my homework

As a general rule, I don't do homework on Sundays. However, when you have an 8 page paper on banded iron formations , a Doctrine and Covenants test, and a sedimentology test all in the next week it becomes almost inevitable that you will be doing homework when you shouldn't and not doing homework when you should. I have tried to do homework today little sister is here from Logan, I am making a cake, and listening to her music. I am constantly faced with this conundrum and I suck at it. I always get this bad feeling and start getting sick inside but I don't fix it. I guess I am not the only person in college that does this but sometimes I feel like everybody else is a great students and I am the only one that sucks so much. Bah! I guess that is part of what I get for being a nerdy science major. These things don't really come easy to me. Humanities yes, music yes, physics, not so much. What am I doing then? I have no idea...