So, the last weeks of school are always a bit crazy, as any college student past or present will tell you, but this semester seems different to me. I have two ten page scientific research papers to write in one week, a presentation on the seismic setting of Birch Creek Wyoming, a seismic map to complete, and a arcGIS project to do (along with various small projects things). Every time I sit down and look at my Utah Lake Paper for mineralogy I feel blank...totally blank. Last night, in order to avoid said paper I wrapped all the amazon packages we have gotten for Christmas so far, folded two loads of laundry, made the bed, and finished of by playing minesweeper. When Anthony got home at 9:20 or so my avoidance stress level was pretty much through the roof and I started crying. He calmed me down, like always, and made us a plan. I always feel better when he says "Here's what we do..." and then proceedes to take control. He was going to give me a blessing and get us food (salad from wendy's) while I wrote my schedule in my planner and wrote a seperate list of all the homework that I need to get done before the end of the semester (I just realized I forget "memorize 70 mineral s and their formulas" in my list). After he got home and we ate, he looked at my planner and list and proceeded to plan out my days while I finished making flash cards of minerals. Then we went over the flashcards. (It was so funny to hear him try and pronounce the minerals!) When we finally went to bed we were exhausted but I wasn't crying and he is my hero.
Kind of a long story to get to the point but I love that man!
He is a good egg. I am glad he is part of the family. I am glad he came over the other night. I wish we could have visited more and seen you too. But Christmas is coming so we can soon. I love you!