Monday, March 21, 2011

Anne spelled with an "e"

I have been listening to all of the "Anne" books by LM Montgomery and I feel like moving to the country. There is so much more scope for the imagination there after all. Dark, basement apartments are not so suitable to dreams as the haunted forests but maybe if I have an imagination of my own, I can imagine that my dearest Anthony and I are really living in the woods. I am just starting Anne's House of Dreams and of course this gets me thinking about what I want in my house of dreams. Anthony and I have made a lovely home in our apartment but college apartments are transient and we will never fully have a home until we have settled. What do I want that home to look like and be? I guess no matter the furniture, yard, or square footage, I have the important things figured out. I want my husband and my future children there, I want it to be a safe place and one where everyone who comes in it will feel love, I want a home where I can teach my children about God, and I want it to be organized and clean without being scared to live a little and accommodate Saturday morning forts. Yes, this is my house of dreams. One where you can leave your troubles outside and be sure of love inside.

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